Hey Guys!!!
So another year is going to pass, and that is 2014, another 365 days are passing by and a new set is coming, 365 days is not long nor is it short, and during those 365 days many many things have happened, a happy thing, a sad thing or mabye even both, are you happy that this year is going to go, are you happy that 2015 is coming or are you sad that 2014 is going to go away?
Mabye you are looking forward to a new movie coming out next year, mabye you are happy that a suffering year is gone and hope that the new year will be better? Or mabye you are sad that a happy 2014 is going away, mabye you are sad that 2015 is coming, happy or not, its a fact, that time is ticking even if you are reading this, if you are sad, nothing can not make 2014 stay, so why not look at 2015 with a smile and look forward to it, it might be better than you think.
2014 has been a great year, although its coming to an end theres still 1 month and 1 week to go, so treasure your time and this happy year, for most students, it might be holidays for you and there are alot of things that you want to do before another term of school comes, so take this time to do it, treasure the time you have left, as for next year you will turn a year older, you will experience more things, whether or not if its happy or sad.
Even when the new year 2015 comes, greet it with a smile and look forward to the rest of the year, for all you might know, it might go in a flash, then look back at 2014 with no regrets and remember the experiences you had and the lessons it taught you, remember forget what hurt you in the past but never forget the lessons it taught you.
So until next time, remember to use your time wisely, but remember to stay healthy and exercise regularly!!
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